About Us
Te Kura Toitū ō Te Whāiti-nui-a-Toi was originally situated at Te Whaiti in 1896 but our new school established in 2004.
At Te Ahurewa Mātaareo (Y1-5) and Minginui; Te Ahurewa Mātaamua (Y6-10) Te Whaiti.
Our school is surrounded by the native forests of Te Urewera and Whirinaki. Learning occurs in our maara, the local environment and modern rooms backed up with a wide range of specialist learning areas.Te Kura Toitu o Te Whaiti-nui-a-Toi offers a wide range of resources which it makes available to our communities on a regular basis. The local marae use the ablution block during tangihana and hui; photocopier, computers and library are available for community research and we make school vehicles available to the community, at the board’s discretion.
- To embed and review Nga Mauri a Toi across the curriculum to cultivate confident and competent whanau / hapū leaders.
- To implement and review a high quality education for our tamariki with special needs enabling them to achieve against Ngā Mauri a Toi
- Equip our tauira to be confident and connected life-long learners
- To ensure Te Kura Toitū o Te Whaiti-nui-a-Toi is governed effectively by whanau who support our tauria by providing quality resources that will support their progress and achievement.
Since opening, the school has expanded, and we now have over 25 enrolments!
Students of Te Kura Toitū ō Te Whāiti-nui-a-Toi enjoy an array of subjects including the following:
- Te Reo Maori
- English
- Maths
- Social Science
- Health and PE
- Science
- Technology
We are proud of our students and are excited to see the wonderful contributions they will make to our communities.
If you would like more information about the school, or the enrol a student, please Contact Us.